Welcome to 23 Kilos Down!

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This is 23 Kilos Down. This is a website dedicated to helping you make sense of your physical self, and find ways to lead a more healthy way of life.

“I reached a point when I needed to change. It had become ‘now or never’. Or so I thought… What I didn’t realise then, however, was just what a journey lay ahead….”

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About 23 Kilos Down

My vision

My original idea was just to lose 23 Kilos, which would take me from my heaviest weight back to the weight I last was when I considered myself more or less ‘in shape’. 

That was almost three years ago, and it has proved far harder than I expected…

Why? What did I get so wrong? How did I so badly underestimate what a massive undertaking it would be? And why has my weight fluctuated so much in the meantime?

The answer is that whilst at the time, I had thought it was ‘now or never’, I can now see that I was woefully unprepared to embark on any kind of weight loss journey, and what’s more, hugely under-equipped to make what weight loss I might achieve in any way permanent.

I am still not there, but I have discovered so much, and crucially, I have fundamentally changed. That is the difference. That is what tells me that I will get there, and most importantly, stay there.

You can do the same, and I want that for you.

During the last three years, although frequently failing to lose any actual weight(!), I have managed to write a book which will help you benefit from what I have learnt, and now publish a website where you can find regular updates that I hope drive and inspire you.

So what can you find here on this site?


  • My monthly Blog
  • Ways to live better
  • Inspiration!
  • ’23 Kilos Down’ – the Book
  • Recipes & food ideas
  • Coaching
  • Comrades-in-arms
  • Exercise tips